I usually hear statements form all corners speaking about attitude. If I illustrate some, the famous ‘Wear your Attitude’ or ‘Attitude is everything’ or the very motivating ‘Attitude makes Altitude’. Ruminating over this topic brings just one question in my mind, what kind of attitude do these lines suggest? What kind of attitude should I build? Should it have elements of arrogance in it or humility? Do I put in it traces of sweetness or curtness, a welcoming attitude or a distancing one? Ingredients are many but the perfect recipe is a mystery. A simple and easy practice I decided to follow is the Attitude of Gratitude. The beauty is in its simplicity. I do not have to exert myself for this; neither do I need to make tall claims. I just need to practice one thing and that is gratitude. Instead of cribbing sessions, I practice the thank you sessions. Instead of regretting what is not with me, I cherish what I have. I try to make it a point to thank god for the beautiful gift called the day that he gifts me every morning. Avoiding those that bring negativities in my life and indulging in the things that bring a feel good factor in me helps me increase my list of gratitude. Mourning on relations that turned sour is what I have stopped,treasuring the relations that have nurtured through time is what I practice. Regret has taken a back seat rejuvenation is in the forefront. Despondency has evaporated delight has settled in. This simple philosophy has a very long lasting and fruitful effect and has made me realize that appreciation and thankfulness are truly the key for joyful living.